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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday, 26th May 2011

Today was my Friday. Wooo whoooo. Busy day though, had people coming in getting computer stuff done and some PAR tests. First thing I did was finish my part of the schedule for next week, adding in those who need to do their computer stuff next week and meetings.

I got things ready for Mikes interviews tomorrow, did my DM(tattle tale)report done and sent off. Had a meeting with some of my trainers at 2:30 till about 3:45 and left work at 4. Went over to Goodwill cause a friend of mine told me that they have packages of 12 x 12 scrapbooking paper for $1. Went to check it out and didn't really see anything I liked. I did get a George Foreman for $3 and it works. I figured it would be good for when I start my diet, Cindy used hers for her meat when she did the same diet. I just tootled around Goodwill for a while checking out their stuff, not much, you can really tell it's in a poor small town. A lot of winter stuff, everything people couldn't get rid of in their garage sales. Don't get me wrong, I have found some really great stuff there before just not today.

Headed home where I've pretty much vegged since, watched movie & visited with Amanda, she came by and had her help me get the trash to the road before she left. Now I'm watching another movie "Delgo", not bad, animated good vs bad, teaching a lesson movie. LOL

So I have the next 3 days off, yeeeeee haww. Gonna get up in the morning and vacuum then head to the post office to mail a package, stop by Rues to get my car charger for my cell & my jack that I loaned her daughter to change her tire. Then meeting up with my BFF at 12:30 to see the new Pirates movie. Can't wait. Arrrr ye matey. ;-)

Robert should be home after 4 and I wont be far behind, maybe even before him. He's driving back from Amarillo tomorrow. Not sure what we'll do tomorrow night. Hmmm have to think about that.

Well until tomorrow, ya'll have a safe and happy weekend, Happy Memorial Day. God Bless

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