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Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday, 6th of May 2011

What a busy day. LOL - got up early, shower & dressed and headed to Azle to the Cozy Creations Flower Shop. Not long after I got there I needed to run to Walmart to get fresh fruit for a fruit basket that some one ordered to be delivered today, did I get a picture of it, NO, duh. I got pictures of all the other stuff later in the day but totally forgot my basket which turned out awesome if I say so myself. I had 2 apples, an orange, 2 pears, 2 kiwi, 2 mango's, 4 sm bags of peanuts & cashews, green & purple grapes, and some strawberries.

Stayed busy answering the phone for orders, helping those who were coming in for plants or flowers. Worked on corsages. It was not a bad day in my opinion. Some new customers, some return customers that didn't know it changes owners and all was well.

I left the shop just before 6 and went to pick up Glen and headed to my house to wait for Stephanie to show up cause we were going to Lake Worth Starplex Theater to meet Cindy & Amanda to see THOR. Awesomely good movie - Stan Lee's appearance a good one. And of course you always have to stay for the real ending - after the credits. You can tell who the real fans are they didn't move once the credits started rolling. The ones who got up and left never know what they're missing. LOL

Took Glen home and Steph and I got back to the house around 11 and here I sit writing to tell you about my day. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Don't forget your mom's, tell her how much she means to you and you love her.

God Bless and keep you

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