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Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday, 27th of June 2011

Niki's birthday today. She turned 22, all my kiddo's are grown. How did that happen?? I really don't feel like I'm pushing 50. Hmm, it's all a state of mind right?

Well I did not have orientation today, no new rising stars this week. Yeah, got my DM report done but that was about the only thing. I had started working on it when I got called to help. We'd been dead all morning then all of a sudden we got slammed. So I got in the window and started doing what needed to be done so that the servers could take care of guests. Fred was in a mood today. He's really starting to annoy me as much as the other managers. Was surprised when I was happy that Dustin had put in his two week notice - I said why not, he doesn't do anything when he is here, we have plenty of hosts who want to work and do a better job. I like Dustin but his heart isn't in it, he doesn't rotate the servers, he does as little as possible.

I'll call people tomorrow to set up more interviews, we need a grill cook, fired one this weekend. Lost a server also. Rummor has it he came into an inheritance so figured he'd quit his job, no call, no show. $200 K will go so far ya know. LOL

Left work just before 3 so that I could get home and do some cleaning, cook Niki's birthday cake and help Robert do dinner. We had the girls all coming over, Niki & Randy brought Katina with them. Steph & Amanda but no Jason he was at work. Glen & La Rue also made it. Robert made Penne Rustica, garlic bread and I made a salad. I had my smoked chicken and steamed Lemon ginger asparagus, which was very good. Would loved to have had the really fattening Penne but I didn't. Doing very good on my diet, back into the 180's, lost almost 20 lbs. Got till the 14th of July then I'll take my 3 week break and do another 21 days after that. I hope to be around 150 or below by my birthday or at least end of August.

We all had a nice dinner then of course the cake and presents. All was good. We all watched Pawn Stars and after 8 everyone left except Glen & La Rue and we watched Faster. Good movie. So it's almost midnight, yeah me for getting my blog caught up. lol

Got a long day tomorrow, lol I have to work 8:30 to 5:30. Not to bad, hopefully I'll get more accomplished tomorrow than I did today.

Ya'll have a wonderful, safe week and stay outta the heat. God Love and bless you.

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