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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Groundhog day. The groundhog says spring will be here early. LOL we'll see. Right now not so sure. But enjoying the snow and surprisingly the cold, as long as I don't have to get out in it.

Got up super early this morning, so that I could be at the store there on 360 by 6:30, when I got there everything was dark. News is saying it was rolling black outs, so the power was out about 30 min, came on just in time to start my training with the trainee's I had today. Got them wrapped up a bit after 8:30 so that they could head back to the hotel and finish up there.

Left Arlington for the long nerve wracking drive home on the icy roads. Took almost 2 hours to get home, roads clear in some places not so good in others and it's still cold, cold, cold.

Now their calling for more snow tomorrow afternoon.

I caught up on the shows I recorded last night since I wasn't home and played on my FB, watched the dogs play in the snow. Kept hoping Robert would figure out why we don't have any water. Hopefully tomorrow we'll have water, we may have to call a plummer or drill outfit. We have our own well, Robert thinks it may be the pipes down under the pump.

So again not alot to report about. LOL

Till tomorrow, God Bless you all and stay warm. Global Warming my foot. LOL

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