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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday, 30th of March to Wednesday, 6th of April

Wow, bad me, so much to catch you all up on. I guess I have a good excuse for being behind, this time not laziness but due to drugs, sleep and uncomfort it's taking me this long to be able to be on the computer comfortably for more than just a few minutes at a time.

So let me see what I can do to update you or bore you depending on your outlook. LOL

I posted last Tuesday that I was feeling better, lets say Tuesday was the good day after surgery then Wednesday was the day from hell. LOL. That 72 hour mark ya know. Wednesday wasn't as good of a day, it wasn't to terribly bad in the beginning of the day. The swollen neck was worse, the muscles and bruising was starting to make itself known. They'd removed the catheter and IV's etc all on Tuesday and let me start eating solids but it became harder on Wednesday due to the swelling. Got them to get me some liquids, drank tons and tons of water, tried to eat my dinner of grilled salmon and managed only a couple of bites before I really wasn't doing to well. Heart burn set in during the early evening, told the nurse who sent a request to the dr, a couple of hours later brought me pill, a pill, couldn't believe it, for heart burn. I need a frickin tums someone please. So around 8 or 9 and Robert had already left and earlier in the day they had placed me in my permanent collar, higher in the back a bit harder, they one they put me in after surgery is my shower collar not as big and hard, but back to being around 9 I had the heart burn, some how, and I don't think it was a hot flash, I just got so very hot, around my neck the collar was like suffocating me with the heat, my throat was swollen, I couldn't get comfortable at all, stalking my room, bumping down the thermostat, called the nurse, plus I was bloated from I believe all the water. It wasn't good then it was like something finally broke, I cooled down, climbed back into bed got myself all comfy and situated when the nurse finally came back with that pill. LOL, told him I was feeling better and asked him if he could set up my cpap machine, he got me all situated and I got some sleep.

Next morning still really couldn't eat, had a nice breakfast and just couldn't eat it, still had that heart burn. I was still having a mucus build up in the back of my throat, constant drainage constant coughing it up. Robert came in ready to pack me off back to home, but of course it's never that simple. LOL But it didn't really take long. I believe we were out by 11:30 or so. He loaded me up in the truck and down the road we went, me sleeping pretty much the whole way. When we got home not but a minute after walking in the door I started coughing up that mucus and before I knew it I was vomiting in the middle of my living room, it was like a water fall out of my mouth, straight water and some mucus, I got to the back door as soon as I could and out onto the patio where I stood for a good 5 minutes continuing to spew water from my body, then a few dry heaves, not good for some one with a gash across the throat. LOL Needless to say the rest of the day I stayed in the recliner and pretty much slept. I don't think I stayed awake more than 10, 15 minutes at a wack. Spent the whole night waking up probably once an hour till around 6 AM. Got up, stayed awake a while, slept again on & off.

So on Friday I did try to get up and move more, I'd start to feel bad or the mucus would start to build up and I'd think I've got to get up and move. So I did, I'd got sit on the back porch for a few minutes, I'd walk out front, just do a bit of walking around the house. I found that the more I moved the better I would start to feel. That's a good thing. LOL So by Friday evening I was starting to feel more like a human again. Better.

Saturday & Sunday much of the same, lol, just continuing to move more. Neck feeling better.

The thing is about this my throat hasn't really hurt, back of neck hasn't hurt, what's hurt was the tissue across my shoulders the muscles. My hands don't go numb, I don't wake up with numb hands or a headache, no numbness in my fingures. It's nice. I get a twinge occasionally in my neck were I think the nerves are re-attatching.

Monday - what did I do Monday? Hmm let's see, Oh yeah I remember NOTHING. LOL, Robert had to go back to work. I'm home alone, Amanda came by to shower before she had to go to school cause they didn't have any electricity from the storm that blew threw Sunday night, or should I say between 2 & 5 AM Monday morning. So just another day of just hanging out and moving a bit more. OH my friend Rhonda came by around 10:30 and dropped off some ravioli & meat balls and a salad, oh so good. Way more than just for my lunch, so I fixed myself up a small plate, took the rest of it an put it in a casserole dish, layering it with cheese & some Italian spices, put it in the oven and set the timer to back it around 4 for when Robert would be home. Rhonda came back by later after her lunch in Weatherford with her sisters and brought me a gift from one of them with cookies and a candle. Her and her granddaughter stayed a while and visited with me, or I should say Rhonda did a few things for me, bless her heart, she folded some of my laundry and took some wash out of the washer and placed it into the dryer for me. The needed to head out cause it was getting late, so they left and I wasn't home to long alone before Robert got home from work.

Yeah Tuesday is here and Niki will be coming to pick me up around 8:30, she's taking me to town to the hair dresser. Kayla met us up at Trimmers and she kindly brushed, washed and rebraided my hair, oh what a wonderful feeling. Showering is good and I've been able to do that no prob but to get my hair clean, felt wonderful. After the salon Niki took me to Cracker Barrel where I bought a birthday card for my friend Kelley and a bunny for my granddaughter Kalise. Talked to a few of my co workers and the manager on duty was Mani. We left there and went down to a new BBQ place on S. Main called Whole Hog or something like that, any way it's pretty good and we got some lunch and she brought me on home, I took it easy for a while till about 5 when I needed to change clothes and put on a bit of make up for my dinner date. LOL. Cindy came out to pick me up cause our friend Kelley had invited us to Los Vaqueros for dinner for her birthday. We had a nice night Kelley brought Lori with her and we just sat and visited and talked for oh 2 1/2 hours. Since they all 3 had to work the next morning we couldn't stay out and party all night. LOL, so Cindy brought me home. It was enjoyable and nice to be out. I was setting a new fashion statement with my newest neck accessory. LOL The rest of the night I just hung out in the living room first with Robert until he went to take a shower and go to bed then with the dogs. OH, btw I forgot to mention above that I started sleeping in the bed again Sunday night. Yeah, it's nice to not sleep the whole night in the recliner. Pulled out the wedge pillow and others that we bought when Robert had had his surgery and got myself all fixed up. So far it's working the one thing that's killing me is the cpap, I had to switch back to the full face, so having my neck constrained and having to cover my face with a mask in order to have air to breath - I found that it is important - oxygen is a must, lol. Just in case ya'll weren't sure. So when I do finally fall asleep and everything is relaxed then my chin still falls down and forward further into my neck brace pushing on my face mask which is pushing up into my eyeball area leaving a great impression in my face. Fun. Not

Woke up this morning feeling pretty good but a bit off, wasn't too bad until I took a zinc vitamin with my morning pills and bad mistake, took it on an empty stomach and it really messed me up the early half of the day, so again my day today has been spent sitting in the recliner, watching tv, nibbling a bit here and there on light food. I did walk down to the mail box today and got the mail, had 3 new movies in the box waiting. Brought them in and watched Letters to Juliet - good movie. Enjoyed it. Did some facebook stuff and been catching you all up on my blog, or I guess I should say catching myself up on the blog so that you all will be caught up. lol. At least I'm updated now. I probably forgot something I'm sure but I did want to say I went back to check out the update posts that my wonderful husband was so thoughtful to keep posted on my facebook on Monday, I enjoyed his updates and it was so nice to see who commented as well as Liked and those who just kept track of me all day. Thank you all so much for the thoughts and prayers. The concerns you all had and the love I felt from each post. Thank you, thank you, thank you,

God Bless you all and keep you safe until tomorrow.

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