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Friday, July 8, 2011

Wednesday & Thursday, 6th & 7th of July 2011

Wednesday, not a very exciting day. LOL, day two of orientation. Had the 2 servers come in to do Menu's and plate presentation and the cashier/retail come in to do their computer courses. Then they all had the Rising Star meeting at 3:30. I left around 4:15 and headed home. So it really wasn't a wild day. LOL

Now today, Thursday, a little bit busy, had the cashier/retail come in at 9 to finish their computer stuff before their retail meeting at 10:30, Allen the new dish guy came in at 10:30 to get on the computers to do his courses. I had one or another person on the computers all day. LOL, While I worked on updating the schedule for next week. Making sure all those who have had evals or are getting evals in the next few days are scheduled for PAR tests next week and everyone is set for meetings. In between working on that and watching the window. We were expecting Mike Taylor our District Manager to come in for lunch. Of course we got slammed and he came in right in the middle of it all. After the rush died down Mike(DM) came to the back of the house, said hi to most everyone and then Mike(GM) went around announcing that he wanted to have an alley rally for everyone to come to the server alley for an alley rally including me. So we all gathered up and Mike T was there and we were waiting for everyone to gather around and the next thing I knew Mike B comes into the group with a cake that said congratulations Michelle, which surprised me. I figured that Mike T had come out to give me my 5 year pin for being an ETC but I wasn't expecting the cake and an announcement to everyone as well as a neat little letter of appreciation. The pin is gorgeous and everyone enjoyed the cake. After the presentation Mike was gone in a flash. LOL

I finally got to sit down around 3 and eat my lunch. Mani came back from vacation so he came over to join me around 3:15 or so. Mike B left just after 3 for the day. Surprisingly, we were rather slower this afternoon than we have been all week. It was sorta nice to have a slower Thursday. We did have a bit of a pop and Jesse(beard boy) & Oran were my grill cooks tonight. Mouthy boys. Oran filled in for Jennifer who called out. We finally slowed down around 7:15 and I was able to get some other work done and left promptly at 8 for the first time in like forever, since I've been working Thursdays. LOL

So I rushed home so that I could watch Burn Notice with my honey. Chilled out for the rest of the night.

There ya have it. I have to work this Friday and Saturday, Ugh. Short day on Friday, 9 - 2 on Saturday due to the Peach Festival. OHHHH BTW, we have some really awesome Texas Tech merchandise at CB. If you're a Tech fan come by and check it out.

Hope you all have a great weekend, God Bless.

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