Woke up to rain which then turned to snow today. Nice, but it didn't stay long. They got more over in Dallas and east Texas than we did. It was good to get the rain though we really needed it.
Cooked egg, sausage & potatoes for breakfast burrito's this morn. Just chilled out on the couch with my puter & old Star Trek movies. Got dressed and left the house around 1:30 to go see "The King's Speech" with my friend Kelley.
So I told you all yesterday that I'd let you know how the movie was. Well it was sooooooo good.
If you don't know what it's about it takes place in the late 20's to the late 30's between the two world wars. The storie of King George the 6th, who was a stutterer and stammerer.
I could understand some of his pain as I had a speech problem when I was in elementary, thank God I had parents, grandparents, teachers and special therapists who helped me. I occasionally still have a stutter but that's just me. LOL
Anyway, back to the movie; King George(before he became King - Prince Albert) needed to be able to speak publicly and goes through numerous doctors and therapist who really couldn't help him. His wife finds a man, Lionel Louge who through the course of the movie they become friends and he helps him. I really don't do it justice because I'm trying not to give alot away. It's such a funny, heart warming movie. About half way through the movie there is some serious language because when he gets angery he can speak and throws in some curse words when Lionel goads him into saying more. It really was a very funny scene. So all I can say is I really truly enjoyed this movie.
On my way home there was a girl(about the same age as my youngest if not younger(18 - 20) who was broke down on the side of the road with a blown tire. Her left rear tire had blown out and she didn't hadn't a clue how to change it much less whether or not she had a spare. So in 34 degree weather before the wind chill, I helped her locate her tire, NO JACK, got mine out of the truck, luckily she had a tire iron that fit cause mine was to big. A man also stopped to help and ran up the road to his friends house to bring back a hammer cause we couldn't pull the tire off. I really don't know what I would have done, it was stuck on good. So to him again I say thanks for stopping also. This young lady really didn't know what to do.
This really irritates me that today's kids - girls and boys do not have to learn how to change a tire in drivers ed. We couldn't pass DE when I was in HS unless we could change a tire. I have 4 children, 1 boy and 3 girls, all in their 20's, but we made sure they each know the basics for a vehicle besides putting gas in it and going. They know how to change a tire and where it's at. They know to check ALL the fluids, oil, transmission, brake and windshield. If they had to they could change the oil.
Came home and again vegged out, watched Extreme Make Over then the new show The Cape, not bad.
So about to head to bed, got a very long week ahead of me. Three 12 hour days in a row. Up at 5:30 to leave by 6:30 so I can be in Arlington by 7:30 for our Seat to Eat training. It's just the drive I hate the hour over and hour coming home cause it's always traffic. But at least I get paid milage. That helps.
Until tomorrow my friends, may you have a blessed day.
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