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Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday, 31st of January 2011

The last day of January for this year, gone never to be seen again. Another week in Arlington, last week for real this time. LOL. Supposed to go tomorrow for day two however not so sure, the news keeps saying it's gonna be really nasty tomorrow, the wind chill is terribly cold and it is now raining. Sounds like it's getting harder out there and I just saw lightening.

Maybe Mike will decide to move tomorrow into wednesday and wednesday into thursday.

Ok, I'm not a sports fan but the steelers and the packers are in town for the big event. I think it would be a blast to go to some of the parties they keep talking about on the tv, not gonna happen, I don't run in the right circles I guess. LOL

OHHH, my gym is now offering ZUMBA, went to the 1st class tonight, it was packed, not much room. It was SOOOO fun. Doing it again Wednesday. It is a good work out with out working out. LOL if that makes sense. Dancing, alot of moves most people know and grew up with. Not to hard, great cardio no impact. Looking forward to doing more, Oh and my neck seems ok, I didn't strain it or do anything to aggravate it. We'll see how I feel in the AM. LOL

My husband just told me a disturbing bit of news, seems that there are several states here in our wonderful country, their unemployment offices, when you have to call in to check on your benefits, guess what? You'll never guess. Apparently you call a call center in, get this, wait for it........


YEAH, we have almost 10% unemployment rate in this country and even our unemployment offices are out sourcing, is it just me or is there something wrong with this picture. So how many of those umemployeed could have gotten a job answering those phones for people calling in to check on benefits. HMMMMM I wonder.

I love the sound of rain, I dread that it's supposed to turn to ice.

Well that about all I think I have to write about tonight, oh if you haven't seen the pictures I post on FB that I took yesterday take a look, I've only posted 4 so far but they turned out good, there are some better, I really don't want to post until I can mail a disc to Kisty.

Here's hoping you all have a blessed week. God love you and keep you safe

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