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Friday, July 15, 2011

Thursday & Friday, 14th & 15th of July 2011

I have a very good reason why I didn't post last night. I got up yesterday at 6:30 AM worked a 12 hour day left work and rushed home to change clothes and pick up Stephanie and head to Lake Worth to the Starplex cinema where Niki, Randy & Amanda were waiting on us. We went to the "late night double feature picture show", lol we went to see Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows, 9:00 showing of part 1 with about a 30 minute break before the midnight showing of part 2. We had a blast, enjoyed the movies and spending time with my girls and of course Randy even though he didn't talk to me, lol. He was on the other side of Niki so that's probably why. LOL It was almost 3 AM before Steph and I got back to the house. So I was one tired momma and headed to bed almost as soon as we got home.

My day at work was busy getting things caught up, calling applicants to schedule them for interviews for today and also finishing up the schedule and getting everyones money who is scheduled for the food handlers class on Tuesday. Fred was the closing manager for Thursday night this week instead of Mani and we were dead. It was soooooo slow. I'm afraid it's due to the fact that we've been having so many problems on Thursday in the past with running out of food and all sorts of things that I think we've lost guests due to it. Plus the fact with all the construction no one knows how to get to us. Actually had a guest tell one of the servers last night that they'd almost given up and went some where else cause it took them 20 minutes to get to us.

There ya have it in sorta a backward review. LOL

I slept late this morning it was around 9:30 when I got up and needed to head into town to pay for the food handlers class. After I got that paid for I went to Albertson's to get some things for my pampered chef party tomorrow. Got home around noon, unloaded the groceries, put them away and took Robert to La Choza's. When we got there found out that they are only open from 4 to 9 during the summer with the heat. We went on into Azle to La Rue's flower shop and convinced her to go to lunch with us at El Paseo, Amanda came over to the shop to keep an eye on it while we went to lunch. After lunch we took Amanda some food and La Rue back to the shop. We went by the electric company to pay the bill and then came on home. Did a bit of house work before I needed to leave at 5 to meet Cindy at the Lake Worth Starplex to see ----- you guessed it Harry Potter. LOL, it's ok I got to see the bits that I missed last night due to snoozing periodically during the movie. LOL

Oh and to let you all know, Thursday was day 42 and the last day of my diet for 3 weeks and I meet my goal. Yeah me. I've lost 25 lbs.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, I'm gonna. God Bless and take care.

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