Got menu's & plate presentation done with my 2 servers & 2 grill cooks. Got my schedule for next week worked out, gonna be a LONG, LONG week. I'll have this Friday off, then I'm shift leading 8 -2 on both Saturday & Sunday, then Monday - Wednesday I'll have orientation, finishing the week on Thursday shift leading again 3 - 8. I should have next Friday off as well, can't decide if I want to work the 26th &/or the 27th, that Saturday/Sunday, it's the weekend before my surgery, thinking I'll take the whole weekend off to do stuff with hubby & around the house before my surgery. Maybe go out of town for the weekend or something, who knows?
So as I like to say about my work, As the Barrel Turns these are the days of our lives with all my children. LOL. Seriously, there is usually so much drama and issues going on. Maybe if we had more men working for us??? Of course not even sure about that cause some of the male managers we have sometimes seem to have just as much drama.
Tomorrow I will be doing the orientation with my non english speaking rising star. Maria will be there to help. Shouldn't take to very long, we'll need to do paper work, he'll have to watch a few videos and then we'll need to work on another time to get him in for computer work.
Having my office connected to the break room I hear and learn so much in our building and heard that one of our former employee's wants to come back to work in our store and that 2 of my "ass"ociate managers were trying to get her rehired behind my back to make me mad. She is the kind that will be so very nice to your face but will stab you in the back the instant you turn it. When she worked for us before she had the managers so bamboozled and 2 of them are the 2 I mentioned above. They tried to tell Mike that she's awesome and he needs to hire her etc. I had the opportunity to speak to Mike on my own today, he has not even met her yet. I explained to him as a server & back up cook she wasn't bad, she worked when needed and then some but she was the one who was always stirring the pot of trouble and kept it stirred in one way or another. She is the type that will get something started and sit back and let someone else take the blame. She ran off so many good employees when she was there before, if she didn't like them or they crossed her in any way she always managed to run them off. I gave Mike my input, told him it's my opinion and he could take it how he wanted, but he needs to speak to some of the other employees that worked with her more when she was there before. So we'll see.
Will keep ya'll posted on this situation. Till tomorrow, have a great Saint Patrick's Day tomorrow, don't forget your green. LOL
God Bless
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